Motobike 2023 Istanbul is where you need to be!
- Industry meeting place: Motobike Istanbul welcomes vendors and visitors as the only and leading fair in the field of motorcycling, bicycling and their accessories.
- At the heart of the action: Vendors at Motobike Istanbul don’t just address the Turkish market; they also address markets accessible through Turkey – Europe, Middle East, North Africa and Asia. You, too, can strengthen your place in this international competition.
- Season Opening: Launching of new products.
- Advantage of communication options: Take advantage of communication options through media to establish and increase your brand awareness.
- Motobike Academy: Join conferences on trends and innovations in the motorcycling and bicycling worlds with important names in the sector.
Stay Tuned in this link: https://motobike-istanbul.tr.messefrankfurt.com/istanbul/en.html
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